Archive for September 24th, 2007

Recently Launched: NC ESA

Monday, September 24th, 2007


Llamawerx and the North Carolina State Council of Epsilon Sigma Alpha recently launched – a website for North Carolina ESA members and potential members.

Epsilon Sigma Alpha International is a leadership and service organization bringing good people together to do good things through programs and projects that make a positive difference…locally, nationally, and internationally. Through a network of thousands of members and more than 1,200 chapters, ESA provides more than 650,000 service hours and over $18 million for charitable causes each year. In 2007, ESA raised almost $12 million for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital located in Memphis, TN, and the leading pediatric cancer research hospital in the country.

The North Carolina State Council has over 230 members and 12 chapters across the state of North Carolina.